My basketball does not go through the net!! The previous net I had was big enough that any ball I had could fall through. But since that net was hung up on the ring for over a year it got weak and started to rip. Probably the rain and the winter snow wasn't good for it. Last summer when my cousins came to Japan they were able to bring me a basketball net, just in case I needed it sometime. The time came for me to put it up, but it's probably meant for quite smaller size balls cause even by smallest ball won't fall through. It only falls through when the ball falls from high above with great force or when I do a three pointer, but not when I do lay-ups. It's a pain jumping and knocking it out whenever it gets stuck, but oh well, I'll just have to practice on my
dunks and long shots from now until it stretches or until I get a new one.
# posted by Aaron @ 10:30 PM