Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Electrical wiring

Bruce Truss and I did some wiring work in the newly built sound room back above of the church sanctuary. My job was to put in 6 outlets(sockets) and to put in an earth wire through the ground.

Bruce worked on switches for the sanctuary. He put in three-way light switches so that we can turn on and off the light switches from the sound room and also from the back of the church. He dealt with a bunch of old wires so it looked very complicated.

Bruce and I were also working on the Electrical wiring in an old house today that will be used by a couple that used to work in the CLC Christian Bookstore in Akita. It's a house that was going to be torn down so we need to put in a lot of work in to it to make it look better. We basically replaced the old wires with new ones as well as adding more outlets and lights. It's quite interesting running wires through walls and ceilings and connecting them to outlets and switches.

Wow, Aaron, you really picked up the pace in blog posts! I had to do a lot of catching up :) You're really fortunate to be able to help out with stuff like electrical wiring. I did a lot of cement mixing and a little woodwork etc when I was your age, but not so much electrical wiring.
Electric stuff does sound more fun, if more dangerous. (I just got to dig holes when I was with you... ah well.)
Hey Luke, You used to mix cement too, Eh? That's cool! I'm very glad that I'm learning about electrical wiring. Things become to make more sence and I get to learn new skills. It's fun, too.

Hey Matthew, It's not dangerous at all unless you have the power on when you're working with the wires.
C'mon digging holes can be fun, too.
Sure it's dangerous Aaron... if you don't do it properly it can go on fire... or electrocute someone trying to use it... or something...

It is much more fun though, well at least I think so... But then I was always an electrical/electronic geek!
It didn't seem all that dangerous when I was doing it. But actually Bruce was probably doing the stuff that needs to be done really carefully.
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