This year's Thanksgiving meals were really good as they always are. My Dad says that it's good to be a Canadian married to an American. That way he can celebrate Thanksgiving for a longer time. Well, me having a Canadian Dad and an American Mom is great also, because I can celebrate Thanksgiving for a long time as well. This year my family had numerous Turkey meals with various groups of people from church. The picture above was taken at one of the meals we had at a church members house sometime in October(that's why I'm wearing a t-shirt).

I know that you often see the outside of a Turkey bird, or when it's cut up, but how often do you see the inside of a Turkey?

After the last Thanksgiving meal I had this year, which was with the International church service people and other new people, a lot of us played with the the new Foosball table in the fellowship room. Everyone was getting into it and having a great time. We got the table from Bruce Truss who got it from Misawa. It's the really nice kind so it's fun to play with.

The church kids that play with it on Sunday afternoons are really wild with it so it looks as if they will break it sometime, but I hope not. Now we have a great thing to do on Sunday evenings while the table tennis room stays cold.
# posted by Aaron @ 8:26 PM