Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We the cool dudes!!

One day during the Summer we were having a bazaar and since we were kinda bored I got Hoshi(my friend on the left of me in the top picture) to spike my hair up with hair jell or wax or whatever he used to look cool for a day. Hoshi has cut hair and done other things to many other people's hair so I was able to trust him with my hair. Two boys from our church sort of got there hair spiked too. Karl also joined in the picture. Do you think we look cool or just a little strange?

Just strange. Personally, I'd recommend another hobby to combat boredom! But you're all pretty cute anyway. :-)
Cute!?? We're not cute. We're cool!! I guessed that you,Aunt Laurie,would be one of the people that would think we look strange, though.
I agree that we sort of look srange in one way, but I also think we look cool in a different way.
Um, I would have to say STRANGE!
I reckon it suits you, but probably isn't worth the hassle of doing it as your hair looks fine without it :)
I can't believe that's Hoshi!
He's totally buff and built - WOW!
hey yo Tim what's up? Great to hear from you.
Yeah... Mathew, I think so too.
Hey David, Hoshi has chaged a little. Great to hear from you.
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