This year during Thanksgiving season we had special guest singers come from Kitakyushu city (北九州市)in Kyushu island. Their music was great and it was fun talking to them, especially Rocky. He's a funny guy.

Rocky is Japanese, but he went to Texas when he was young. He speaks very good English with a Texas accent, Which I think is very cool. He is almost totally blind, but he is very good in playing the guitar. Marla is American and she is from Texas. She met Rocky in Japan. She speaks Japanese quite well. She sings very well both in English and Japanese.They brought their 3 year old adopted daughter, Hana(華). I'm sure she will grow up being bilingual. It was fun playing with her. They have a website at

They did about 5 concerts which came with a Thanksgiving turkey meal and several other concerts without a meal. They also led the worship service 2 Sundays in a row. They were great musicians and speakers. It was sad to see them leave. The picture above was taken on the day they returned back to Kitakyushu. The songs that I really liked were; "I have decided to follow Jesus around the world" in Texan, Mexican, Brazilian, Jewish, Indian and in Japanese music styles. They are surely talented to play one song in so many different ways. "Dareka"(だれか!), "Think about his grace", "You satisfy my soul","Great is your love/主をほめたたえよ", and" たたけその手を". It was awesome having them with us.
# posted by Aaron @ 5:28 PM