I had a chance to go bungee jumping in New Zealand. The day was
February 7, 2008. The place was
Taupo and the river I jumped down towards was the
Waikato River. The height I jumped from was 47 meters. Naomi and I both did it but I went first. The scariest part for me was standing on the platform right before jumping, when I was in the position of the picture on the left. To think that I was to fall straight down for 47 meters was terrifying. My heart was beating so fast! Even though I was scared, I conquered my fear and jumped!

After I jumped, it wasn't scary at all. It was actually fun. I got dipped in the river enough to get my head and half of my T-shirt wet. The speed when I hit the water wasn't very fast because the rubber rope slowed me down.
After getting wet, I just bounced for a couple times in the air with the rope attached to my feet until a yellow rubber boat came and rescued me. It wasn't even 1 minute long, but it was great!!
# posted by Aaron @ 4:04 PM