Saturday, December 30, 2006
The New Zealand Team 2006
Last year we celebrated Christmas with the Australian Team, but this year we celebrated with the NewZealand Team. 12 NewZealanders came up kind of as a Gospel singing group, Malcom, Matthew, Jesse, Rosa, Dwaine, Catherine, Simon, Jonathan, Dawn, Peter, Michelle and Andrew. This is the 4th time a team has come from NewZealand to our church. They went around a lot of pre-schools and some old folks homes singing and performing.
The pictures above is the men on the team doing the Haka. The Haka is the Maori war chant and is ment to be very scarry. I heard that the All Blacks Rugby team in NewZealand do it before games. If you want to know more about the Haka you should check wikipedia. The Haka was one of the things I really enjoyed watching. I wanted to put a video of the Haka that the team did, but I don't know how to put videos on my blog, so here is the link of the All Blacks doing it. Also here is the other one called Kapaopango. The Kapaopango is newer and different, but I quite like it.
My dad and people from church also planed many special Christmas meetings at various community centers, so we invited people we knew and the team also did tracting door to door inviting people to come. The picture above is after the Christmas meeting we did in Hirakawa.
Eating and having fellowship at the Jonan kaikan.

Group photo at Jonan kaikan.
The team with kids at a pre-school.
Over all it was really good having the NewZealand Team over for Christmas this year. Other than seeing them and listening to them sing, I got to know them very well, by eating lunch and supper(or tea, if I say how they do) with them almost everyday, playing Foosball and Table tennis together, getting ready together for Christmas meetings and stuff. After getting to know them very well and having a great time with them, it will be really great if I can see them sometime again.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Still Skateboarding
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Mountain Dew in a Glass Bottle?!?

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Reforming a House
This is the new living room of the house after being all nicely insulated.
This is the hallway floor that I helped insulated with styrofoam. With all the insulation and Styrofoam the house should keep really warm. Not like old Japanese houses that hardly have any insulation.
This is the best friend I made while working. I always had it in my hand when I was drywalling or screwing in outlet wires into it's boxes. It is a Black&Decker screwdriver that works very well. It was possible to screw in a screw in just 2 seconds. The batteries last for quite a long time, at least enough time to let the other battery recharge completely before running out of power with the one you're using.

It even has special bits attached to it.

The house is now finished with new rooms, a new bath tub, a new entryway etc. and new people. The Chinomi's who will be living there from now moved in today with all their things. Now they will be coming to our church and helping with the Bookstore and cafe.
It feels great to have it done. Thanks to my Dad that did mostly all the work.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Thanksgiving and Foosball